What the Heck is Horehound?

in Candy Blog

It might sound like a dirty word, but Horehound is anything but! This furry plant is known for its medicinal qualities and has been utilized as a household tonic for centuries. Today, Horehound is still used in cough drops and candies as a soothing sweet!


The plant itself is rather unique. A member of the mint family, the leaves have a distinct furry texture and meatiness to them that makes horehound a very hearty herb. It’s known for its bitter taste (something between root beer and licorice) which causes the body to regulate breathing and digestion.


Throughout history, horehound has been used in a variety of ritualistic and medicinal ways. In medieval Europe, it was even used to ward off a witch’s spell! Egyptians once called horehound the “Seed of Horus”, which could possibly be the origin of the strange name. It also shows just how sacred they thought horehound to be!


Are you intrigued by this fascinating and useful plant? Pick up some horehound candy drops from our store and feel the rejuvenating effects! Let us know what you think in the comments below.


For more information on the current research into horehound click https://healthybutsmart.com/horehound/ 


Well it looks like I’m going to have to have a little more respect for the horehound plant. A few years ago I found some white horehound growing in my yard. I considered it just an annoying weed so I was trying to keep it mowed down. Since it seems to like its environment so well I think I’ll try to transplant it into a particularly problematic flower bed nearby.

Bryan Venaas

It has been decades since I had horehounds. I didn’t even know they still made them. Now I can’t get enough of “a taste of childhood”.


My friend had a bag of horehound and I tried one. I developed an itch or hives. Maybe it’s just not for everyone. I definitely believe in natural medicine though!


I enjoyed the unique flavor as a child. I’m 79 years old and I’m so happy to find the product. I love it!!

Grady Ramsey

Just found out today Ricola has horehound in it and grabbed some


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